I came across this gem (refer to the text in the encircled area) when I wanted to look up Lamborghini, the automobile manufacturer. This is one reason why Wikipedia faces a lot of criticism - anyone can enter anything. I wonder why it has not been removed. Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, the sarod maestro passed away on the 18th of this month and this has already been updated on the site. It is people who do stuff like this who bring disrepute to wonderful projects like Wikipedia.

It struck me later that I myself could change it and I did make a change. :)

It struck me later that I myself could change it and I did make a change. :)
man!! how did yu manage to find that!
noted your point! liked it :)
i surf da site a lot..coincidentally came upon da article :)
came across quite a few errors myself , but never of such magnitude ... gallardo is then a dhikchik rickshaw ... hahahah ... awesome
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