Sunday, 28 June 2009

MBA Classes

There are some things in this world that are logical and there are some that are beyond it. I am ranting about the timings used in Indian MBA colleges (ok, maybe not all, but definitely some). However good a lecturer might be, what is the point in having classes for more than 1.5 hours or so?

If one seriously thinks, what is the probability that the students won't get bored out of their heads after the aforementioned time period. Imagine sitting through two consecutive sessions (which is four hours in IIFT, though I should confess there is (are) breaks in between).

The formula seems to be to stuff as much as possible in the brains of the students in as little time as possible. The question is, does that actually work?


GAYATRI said...

hey anna!
I just remembered something which my friend, who is doing his MBA currently said... 'Something goes on...but nothing goes in!!' lol :D

VC said...

hehe, u can say dat :D

Yash said...

We at XLRI have 1.5 hours luckily but unluckily there are no brake(s) in between and so the situation is as drastic as yours!!

Don't know what they are trying to make us. Many a days classes 11-11... lets see after 2 years what exactly we learn!!

All the best :)