Saturday, 11 September 2010

A Case of Mistaken Working Hours

7.30 AM - Too early, so jaa
~8.10 AM - Too late, uth jaa
8.45 - I can't find a shuttle to go to office!
till 9.15 - Chatting with the driver, a Nepali who has been in Kolkata for the past 15 years, 6 years in Mumbai and 9 months in Visakhapatnam, at the end of which he charges me Rs 30 instead of Rs 20
9.20 - Call from colleague, he is alone in office, no one has turned up. I assure him the office is open today, in fact the HR has put a mail to that effect!
A few minutes later - The guy at the reception asks me why I have come to office. My colleague informs me, next Saturday is working in lieu of a bandh day this week.
Me - @%#&!%@&!*!%@!&@*#*#*#

Moral of the story - Read mails in their entirety, do not assume their contents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes this is a correct moral for the story as it happened many times for me in this context but the subject as a whole read mails properly.